Much like my cell-phone payments, everything in my life seems to get done a little too late. Well, this should be no exception so here we have it! A happy new year. :)
2008 was pretty good but it could have been better. I'm not married yet. I'm not even engaged yet. But then again, everything in my life does seem to get done a later than I expected..... lol (don't freak out robin- haha)
What did I not accomplish in 2008?
1-Well. I didn't graduate. That was definately in the plans for the last 8 years of my life. Ever since I started High School I've been telling myself that I am going to graduate in 04 and 08. They seemed to be perfect. My life was so clear. Hey, back in highschool I was planning on getting married in 08! go figure... I hadn't even had a girlfriend yet and I was planning things out way back then! Whch lead me to.....
2-I didn't get married (old plans), and I didn't even get engaged! (the newer plans) Sorry Robin, we already talked about this. You know I wanted to do it in November. I was certain it would happen in November. But you know what they say about the best laid plans and intentions?
3-I didn't quit Cracker Barrel. Yes, I am STILL working there. It is so painful. I hate it. It has been 5 long years of "it pays the bills," and one would think that 5 years is enough... right? I definately know what I don't want to be for the rest of my life.
4-I didn't get out of debt. It is still sitting there. I hate you debt! I really do.
I'll stop here. There are more things I could say but they are all a lot less significant at this point.
But, when I can see clearly what I didn't accomplish in 2008, it becomes easy to make goals for 2009!
the years goals.
1- graduate! (in may)
2- if the timing is right..... (ya'll know what I'm thinking)
3-quit the barrel
4- (because this is necessary before I can quit the barrel) get hired by IV and fund raise enough for part time salary!
5-get free from debt! (I know you cann do it Ryan... I believe in you)
I think that is all I can squeeze into one post. I've made my statement... now its time to move on.....