Tuesday, December 30, 2008

exploding Gars and wizards fire

So I almost died today.  I was watching a tv show on Zulu.com that was based off of a fantasy series called The Sword of Truth.   I never thought magic could be portrayed so cheesily in my life.  I had to invent an adverb to describe it: cheesily.  Hahahaha   So there is this wizards fire stuff, and in the books it is supposed to be this superheated flame/plasma that eats through everything it touches.  It is supposed to be the most bad-ass thing a wizard can do.  (I'm not praising the books here,  just trying to get a comparison.)  

How does this get depicted in the Yeard's masterful tv series?   It looked like a 1960s film special effects.   Im not joking when I say this.  the gar explodes something akin to the gay santa banana thing in "Charlie the Unicorn 2."  

Follow these links to get an understanding.   

First,   we have Charlie the Unicorn,  a YouTube video.  Amazing.  I love it.  It is one of my favorites.       

Speed ahead to 4:25 to get the explosion I'm talking about.

now, it is time for  "The Legend of the Seeker"

speed ahead to   32:10 to watch the gar get destroyed by wizards fire.

Now tell me...    Aren't these exactly the same kind of explosion?  I'm amazed that this tv show got away with these special effects.    

To get more of these magickal special effects, skip ahead to 49:25 and 54:32

Oh and don't forget a nod towards Monty Python and the Holy Grail at 59 minutes.  She's a witch!!!!!   hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I swear, I almost died.  I laughed so hard I started to cough and and now my chest hurts.   lol



Legend of the Seeker

Ryan Adam Ramsey

Monday, December 29, 2008

a new experience!

So, I've decided that I want to learn Spanish more thoroughly than I have in the past.   It will be a fun experience.  I bought a new book in Spanish!   Harry Potter y el prisonero de Azkaban de J.K. Rowling.  :)   I alos bought el piedro filosofal for Robin.  :)   I have a new system of understanding what I read.  I have this notebook and I skim through a paragraph and every word I don't recognize, I write down in a column.   After I have about 20 words, I look them up in the dictionary and I write down the translation.  Then I try to read the paragraph again en Espanol and I use the vocab list when needed.  I make adjustments to the list based off of context clues and then I read it again with understanding.  Hopefully after the first chapter I can re-read it all and gain most of the comprehension.  :)   This should be a good system for learning words in context and it might help me retain espanol better. I'm just a little afraid that the style the book is written in will affect my everyday speech.  I don't want to sound like a book or something.  :)  lol

I'm a puppy dog, WOOF WOOF!

A companion,
A nusiance,
But faithful and resiliant.
Always ready to love,
And always a friend.

You don't listen.
You are too childish.
You eat too much.
But, in the end you are there.
What more can I ask for?

I love you.
Just stop peeing in the house.

Ryan Adam Ramsey

Dedicated to Nugget   :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

poetry from 2008

Art has died
It starved to death in the 20th C. 
In its place—entertainment 
A novel, a song, 
These are measured by their Gross 
They are pawns of corporations 
The publisher, the recording industry
These giants have pimped beauty 
The middle class in its hunger
Consumes the whore 
And discards it like a spent condom 
Never once looking in its eyes 
Too busy with satiation 
Too eager to spend its money


I stand at the foot of this hill as an accuser, 
Looking up into your tear streaked face. 
I see compassion in your eyes, 
And anger wells up inside me.
I doubt you and your abilities. 
I ask, is this payment enough? 
Is this act really justice for the 
Rwandas, Auschwitzes, and slavery ?
These are too big 
You couldn’t possibly be worth it all. 
So I stand here, not understanding, accusing.



Friday, December 26, 2008

Fantasies of Loneliness

Fantasies of Loneliness

I am a coward
Driving idly down the interstate
music flows past my ears unattended by my thoughts
They are elsewhere

I stare numbly at the reflectors 
becoming entranced by their rythmic passing
A thought floats forward
"what if I crashed? I need to pay attention"

My mind is elsewhere

An image floats in front of my face
A conversation
A severence
And then the loneliness

My desire terrifies me
the consequences-- 
They would dwarf this imagining
As the future is released into the uncertain

The reflectors catch my eye once more
and I'm not sure I want to pay attention to the road

Ryan Adam Ramsey

Monday, December 22, 2008

politics and practice

After an extensive argument with my folks over Jesus and politics, I've come to the realization that people like to talk a lot but do very little. I call this politics of the self-esteem. Sometimes these politics jump out in various forms. Whether it be hate, fear, scape-goating, or mud slinging, the end result is the same--zero productivity.

People like to argue so that they don't ever have to do anything. It is a healthy alternative to looking in the mirror and saying "hey you, the only thing you don't suck at is fooling yourself into thinking you are useful."

Personally, If looking in the mirror motivates a person to live out their faith or their politics, I say look and be ashamed!

I'm just so tired of hearing people gripe and groan about the welfare system and how it just produces a bunch of baby makers and swindlers. Well, you'd think that every person who was poor was just a lazy turd who does nothing all day but cash in food stamps. Good thing that that's not the case.

Anyways, All I have to say is, if you want to critique the government for trying to help poor people with a flawed system, please go out and help the people living on the street yourself. Give them blankets, food, or a job! Maybe use that spare bedroom for a homeless family. After all, with the right amount of love and stability, anyone can get back on their feet.

Hey if enough of these churchy people did just that, maybe the government wouldn't need to cut checks every month.