Monday, December 29, 2008

a new experience!

So, I've decided that I want to learn Spanish more thoroughly than I have in the past.   It will be a fun experience.  I bought a new book in Spanish!   Harry Potter y el prisonero de Azkaban de J.K. Rowling.  :)   I alos bought el piedro filosofal for Robin.  :)   I have a new system of understanding what I read.  I have this notebook and I skim through a paragraph and every word I don't recognize, I write down in a column.   After I have about 20 words, I look them up in the dictionary and I write down the translation.  Then I try to read the paragraph again en Espanol and I use the vocab list when needed.  I make adjustments to the list based off of context clues and then I read it again with understanding.  Hopefully after the first chapter I can re-read it all and gain most of the comprehension.  :)   This should be a good system for learning words in context and it might help me retain espanol better. I'm just a little afraid that the style the book is written in will affect my everyday speech.  I don't want to sound like a book or something.  :)  lol

1 comment:

  1. btw, this is taking a lot longer than I expected. I have successfully understood 99% of 2 whole pages! I read/translated the second page tonight and it is taking forever. At this rate, I'll get a paragraph done in a month. lol. hopefully, I get better with my system. :)
