Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An Update! An Update!

Hullo! Blog Readers! Yes, after a long silence, and UPDATE!!

Thesis and Graduation:

I recently had my meeting with Dr. Silverman concerning my thesis and my graduation.  He is going to pass me, maybe not with honors, but he is going to pass me. :)  I cannot fathom communicating the inexplicale joy this brings my heart.  Now, I must continue to work diligently to show him that I am attempting to get the best grade possible on this dratted rag of an essay.  Continue to pray that I might stay focused during this final leg of my academic  race.  :)

Summer Living at the Pink House/ Men's year long community:

SLatPH is green lighted!  Gus, Sam, Nate Cook, Steven Goodman, Matt Morrison, and maybe Clayton and/or Gabe will be joining me for living in Community over the  summer!  This is very exciting for several reasons:  1) my bills are decreased due to lower rent and utilities, 2) my situation over the summer is in good shape,  3) God is bringing a group of guys together who really want to focus on him and serve him.  

As far as the year long Community thing goes, I still have to work a few things out to make sure all the edges are smooth.  Oh, and there is one itty bitty little bump to worry about still:  2 of the people have dogs.  this makes me nervous.

Application for Campus Staff Member/IVCF:

My application is complete but not yet submitted.  I need to double check all my answers and fit my talk outline into the parameters of the application.  Then I need to fill out one last form.  Next thing you know, badda bing, badda boom! on to the interviews!  

Chapter Camp and Mexico City '09:

God provided a very nice and surprising tax return to me a couple weeks ago.  This has completely eliminated my anxiety about not working during chapter camp and during Mexico.  I will be able to attend both!  Woo HOO!!  That was seriously an answer to prayer.  My application and my deposit are in to the IV home office.  I will be recieving word from stacy soon to be *certain* I will be going on this trip.    As soon as I get the word, I send out prayer/support emails and letters to everyone and their mothers.  exciting isn't it?

So, thats my update.  :)  please continue to pray that I can keep organized and empassioned to do all  the things I need to do.  I'll try and keep this blog updated more concering all things Mexico/Chapter Camp/IVCF staff/graduation.  

be blessed,



  1. Oooo... I didn't know about the dogs... kinda makes me a little nervous too.

    Always nice to see an update. I'll be hoping and praying. :)

  2. Congrats on this latest step towards graduation! Here's hoping everything else you've got going (including the final details of our community's living arrangement) works out as well too. Keep up the good work!

  3. the dogs shouldn't be too big of an issue. I will be having both dogs over Easter Sunday to get to know them a little bit better and see how they work together. Also, I was planning on sticking the Dog people in the same room so that other people don't have to worry about them as much. :) Most of us will be able to sit down and talk this Thursday at the Seder. :) The only person who wont be there will be Nate Cook.

    the rest of us who are thinking about living together

    Me, Gus, Sam, Matt, Clayton, Steven, we will all be able to see each other and talk and get some concerns out there and just be open about it all. It should be fun. :)

  4. omg!! the blog lives!! haha.

    this is all stuff I knew already. but nice to hear it again. :)
