Hullo! Blog Readers! Yes, after a long silence, and UPDATE!!
Thesis and Graduation:
I recently had my meeting with Dr. Silverman concerning my thesis and my graduation. He is going to pass me, maybe not with honors, but he is going to pass me. :) I cannot fathom communicating the inexplicale joy this brings my heart. Now, I must continue to work diligently to show him that I am attempting to get the best grade possible on this dratted rag of an essay. Continue to pray that I might stay focused during this final leg of my academic race. :)
Summer Living at the Pink House/ Men's year long community:
SLatPH is green lighted! Gus, Sam, Nate Cook, Steven Goodman, Matt Morrison, and maybe Clayton and/or Gabe will be joining me for living in Community over the summer! This is very exciting for several reasons: 1) my bills are decreased due to lower rent and utilities, 2) my situation over the summer is in good shape, 3) God is bringing a group of guys together who really want to focus on him and serve him.
As far as the year long Community thing goes, I still have to work a few things out to make sure all the edges are smooth. Oh, and there is one itty bitty little bump to worry about still: 2 of the people have dogs. this makes me nervous.
Application for Campus Staff Member/IVCF:
My application is complete but not yet submitted. I need to double check all my answers and fit my talk outline into the parameters of the application. Then I need to fill out one last form. Next thing you know, badda bing, badda boom! on to the interviews!
Chapter Camp and Mexico City '09:
God provided a very nice and surprising tax return to me a couple weeks ago. This has completely eliminated my anxiety about not working during chapter camp and during Mexico. I will be able to attend both! Woo HOO!! That was seriously an answer to prayer. My application and my deposit are in to the IV home office. I will be recieving word from stacy soon to be *certain* I will be going on this trip. As soon as I get the word, I send out prayer/support emails and letters to everyone and their mothers. exciting isn't it?
So, thats my update. :) please continue to pray that I can keep organized and empassioned to do all the things I need to do. I'll try and keep this blog updated more concering all things Mexico/Chapter Camp/IVCF staff/graduation.
be blessed,